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Keys to Resilience
We often hear that people are “resilient.” They manage to not only get through tough times but end up actually stronger than they were before their troubles began. While it may sound a little trite, research actually has found that individuals and families can indeed be resilient. When confronting stressful challenges, many do have the […]
Talking with Family and Managing Stress
Talking with Your Family about Financial Difficulties A drop in income, whether it’s due to being laid off from a job, a drop in hours, or a decrease in income from investments is a scary and unsettling situation for both adults and children. It is important to talk through the situation with family members as […]
Cutting Back and Keeping Up When Money is Tight
When Your Monthly Budget Needs a Tune Up Whether it’s due to a drop in income, a big unexpected expense, or the cost of everyday living overtaking your paycheck, there are steps you can take to get a handle on your finances – and your financial stress. The very first step is to figure out […]
Dealing with a Drop in Income
When Your Income Drops Sometimes a household’s income drops suddenly because of a job layoff, an illness or death, or a divorce. It’s natural to feel shocked or panicked or to want to ignore the situation. Whatever the cause, the best thing you can do is to figure out if your new income covers all […]
Resources for Information About Credit Reports and Credit Scores
This article includes websites that offer more information about your credit report and related items, how to dispute errors in your credit report, and where to get help if you have fallen behind on payments or experienced other difficulties.
Security Freezes and Fraud Alerts
Beginning in 2018, security freezes are free in Wisconsin. You can find more information about security freezes in the UW-Madison Division of Extension Credit Report Freeze fact sheet. If you believe you are the victim of identity theft, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft website, which lists the steps you need to take. The […]
Credit Inquiries
Each time you or somebody else requests a copy of your credit file, the request is recorded on your credit report as an “inquiry.” Inquiries are listed on your free credit report.
Financial Literacy Workshops for Families
Planning for Tax Time
As you probably know, almost everyone with an income needs to file a tax return. You may be dreading tax time because you’re afraid that you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the state. But, it’s just as likely that you’ll be getting a refund!
Spending Your Money
What does the word “budget” mean to you? Pinching your pennies or clenching your wallet? Now think about the words “spending plan.”