Money Matters Live / El Dinero Importa: Sesiones Virtuales En Vivo

In English: Whether you are looking to set financial goals, make a spending plan (budget), learn ways to save money, or figure out how to keep your financial records, this FREE online series over Zoom is for you!

Each session will be up to an hour long and will include a short presentation and lots of time for discussion and questions.  Sessions will be offered in English and Spanish throughout October. See details and registration information below!


Money Matters Live

As part of the Money Matters Live series, sessions will be offered from 10 am to 11 am and 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Thursday evenings on October 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.

There are 4 session topics: setting financial goals, budgeting, saving, and keeping financial records.

Each topic will be offered twice on the same day (once in the morning and once in the evening). You can attend 1 session for each topic or as many sessions as your availability allows. The Zoom link to join the sessions you register for will be provided 1 to 2 days before your session/s.

Register at

El Dinero Importa En Vivo

Como parte de la serie El Dinero Importa En Vivo, las sesiones se ofrecerán de 6:30 p. m. a 7:30 p. m. los jueves 3, 10, 17 y 24 de Octubre por la noche.

Hay 4 sesiones con diferentes temas: establecimiento de metas financieras, elaboración de presupuestos, ahorro y mantenimiento de registros financieros.

Se cubrirá un tema cada semana. Podrá asistir a 1 sesión tantas sesiones como tu disponibilidad te lo permita. Los enlaces de Zoom para unirse a las sesiones en las que se registre se proporcionarán 1 o 2 días antes de su sesión.

Lo sentimos, el registro está cerrado!

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