Sixteen monthly newsletters have been created and reviewed by UW-Madison Division of Extension educators based on evaluations and feedback from previous Head Start financial literacy project participants. Newsletter issues 1-8 are sequential, so that each topic builds on the information in the previous topic. Because many families are enrolled in Head Start for more than […]
The goal of this financial research project is to find out if setting goals and having access to financial literacy information can help improve financial outcomes. As part of this project, UW-Madison Division of Extension gathers survey information from Head Start families who agree to participate. A baseline survey is given out in fall, and […]
Initial Research Project with Head Start Families The Money $mart in Head Start (M$iHS) program consists of a series of partnerships between local Head Start programs and UW-Madison Division of Extension educators. The MSiHS program offers a mixture of three financial literacy interventions—monthly newsletters, financial education workshops, and financial coaching—to families with children enrolled in […]
As you probably know, almost everyone with an income needs to file a tax return. You may be dreading tax time because you’re afraid that you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the state. But, it’s just as likely that you’ll be getting a refund!
What does the word “budget” mean to you? Pinching your pennies or clenching your wallet? Now think about the words “spending plan.”
English | Spanish Un “objetivo” es un propósito. Es una dirección hacia la cual avanzar. Un objetivo puede orientarlo(a) en la dirección que usted desea. Una buena manera de comenzar es pensar en lo que es importante para usted. Usted puede establecer objetivos para su salud, sus hábitos, su trabajo, su educación o su familia. […]
A “goal” is a purpose. It’s something to aim for. A goal can point you in the direction you want to take. A good place to start is thinking about what’s important to you. You can set goals for your health, your habits, your work, your education, or for your family. Once you know your goal, you can decide how to move forward.