Security Freezes and Fraud Alerts

Beginning in 2018, security freezes are free in Wisconsin. You can find more information about security freezes in the UW-Madison Division of Extension Credit Report Freeze fact sheet. If you believe you are the victim of identity theft, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft website, which lists the steps you need to take. The […]

Credit Inquiries

Each time you or somebody else requests a copy of your credit file, the request is recorded on your credit report as an “inquiry.” Inquiries are listed on your free credit report.

Planning for Tax Time

As you probably know, almost everyone with an income needs to file a tax return. You may be dreading tax time because you’re afraid that you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the state. But, it’s just as likely that you’ll be getting a refund!

Spending Your Money

What does the word “budget” mean to you? Pinching your pennies or clenching your wallet? Now think about the words “spending plan.”

Setting Goals for Your Money

A “goal” is a purpose. It’s something to aim for. A goal can point you in the direction you want to take. A good place to start is thinking about what’s important to you. You can set goals for your health, your habits, your work, your education, or for your family. Once you know your goal, you can decide how to move forward.

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